Cryoskin services utilize a
temperature-controlled massage
wand in order to apply cold and heat
to the face and/or body to stimulate
and facilitate natural body processes
which promote a more toned

Discover Cryoskin!

Precise heating and cooling used for the beautification of the body
Helps maintain healthy, radiant skin
Targets localized areas: abdomen, thighs, arms, back, chin, or hips
Naturally and painlessly shapes and tones your body by stimulating
its natural processes -
Lose inches in those stubborn areas.
Smoothes, lifts, and firms skin, reducing the appearance of imperfections
Improves the skin’s overall texture and appearance
Ability to target the abdomen, thighs, arms, back, chin, and hips
Cryoskin™ Facial Treatments
Naturally promote a brighter, more toned and lifted appearance
Natural, non-invasive way to look younger and more radiant